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Week 3 Adventures & Shenanigans

Life has been so fun!! Subways are nice. You have to get used to the fact that you're spending a portion of your day underground ha, but other than that it's nice to be able to do things on the way to work, see all the different people, and explore the city! The other day we walked on the subway and sat next to this good looking couple. I leaned over to Spencer and said, "They are total mormon," and as I was explaining it the guy next to us say, "Hey are you two LDS?" haha It's funny how you can just spot them out: young, married, happy, well-put together, and the light of Christ! I love it :)

Speaking of latter-day saints, we met a good group of them! We hang out with a group of 3-5 couples our age in the ward! We're so lucky they took us in! We went hiking with them last weekend, just an hour north of here, it was a blast! We hang out with them pretty often, it's nice:)

Here are some things so far that have surprised us about New York:

- Before coming I was afriad of feeling inferior to everyone dressing nice and classy and being professional, but it is not that way at all. I usually feel like the most overdressed person on the subway

- We feel safer here than we thought. Because there's so many people everyone so you're never really alone

-People are really really nice here! Most everyone will hold the door open for you, smile, say hi. It blows my mind!

- Work envirornment: We're surprised how common professionals drop the f bomb at work!!! It's crazy! And the dress code is lax too! We can wear jeans & sperrys if we want.......I mean, we're working at an Ad Agency, but still. Didn't expect that!

- There are a TON of free things here!

- It ISN'T the city that never sleeps. A lot of things shut down at 5 where we live. Rexburg is open longer! The night life is only on Times Square

-It's VERY green here!!!!! Lots of trees and parks:) Very nice

-So many languages heard on the subway, that's fun:) So Spence & I can get away with talking in a British accent much easier! ;)

-we'll keep finding out more!

That's it for now! I'll be better at keeping it updated! :)

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